Foundation Overview

General Overview of The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo

Name The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo
Chief Director Takahiro Kai (Advisor of Higo Bank)
Objectives We engage in conservation promotion and subsidizing activities targeting the water and greenery of Kumamoto, encouraging enthusiasm for and action related to water conservation among prefecture residents.
Endowment ¥210 million (donated by Higo Bank and its group companies)
Date of Establishment September 28, 1992
Address 860-0012
Higo Shoji Bldg. 3F, 1-23 Koyaimamachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City
(Telephone: 096 - 351 - 3882)

AdvisorsAs of June 2024

Position Name Primary Occupation
Advisor Takashi Kimura Kumamoto Prefectural Governor
Kazufumi Onishi Kumamoto City Mayor
Kunihiko Kawamura Chairman and CEO, Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun

Directors and Auditors

Position Name Primary Occupation
Chief Director Takahiro Kai Advisor of Higo Bank
Vice Chairman Yoshihisa Kasahara President of Higo Bank
Executive Director Yoshinori Oono Executive Director, Higo Water and Greenery Protection Fund
Director Eri Otsu O2farm Co-owner
Mitsuyuki Okamoto Director of the Regional Development Department of Higo Bank
Yoichiro Sakaguchi Kumamoto Broadcasting Representative Director and President
Shingi Takeuchi Vice Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture
Masatoshi Chida Director, Kumamoto Prefecture Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Taiki Masui Managing Director, Aso Green Stock
Shinichi Murakami Director, Kumamoto City Department of the Environment
Takahiro Hosono Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences, Kumamoto University
Yoshitaka Watanabe Auditor of Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun
Auditor Koichi Kumabe Representative, Certified Public Tax Accountants' Co. Kizuna
Koji Wada Auditor of Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun

12 Directors, 2 Auditors (Listed with honorifics omitted, in the order of the Japanese alphabet)


Name Primary Occupation
Yoshiko Ise Kumamoto Office Head, Saga Goryu Kadou
Chinobu Okamoto Professor and Head of the Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokai University
Kimio Katsuya Executive Director, Kumamoto Ground Water Charitable Foundation
Yasunori Kawagoshi Professor, Kumamoto University Center for Water Cycle,Marine Ebvironment,and Disaster Management
Makoto Kubota Kumamoto Office Director, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Masayuki Kohara Director, Kumamoto Prefecture Department of Life Environments
Hiroaki Tsutsumi President of Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Tomoko Minagawa Professor,Kumamoto University Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology
Chikako Miyao Kumamoto University Director (part-time) Public relations, branding, administrative cooperation
Michiko Miyahara Director, General incorporated foundation Kumamoto Future Creation Fund
Kazuhiko Wada Aso City Vice-Mayor
Hitoshi Yamaki Higo Bank Representative Director, Deputy President

12 members total (Listed with honorifics omitted, in order of the Japanese alphabet)

Academic Advisors

Name Primary Occupation
Jun Shimada Professor Emeritus, Kumamoto University

1 member total (Listed with honorifics omitted)

A Brief History of The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo

Read the Pamphlet (PDF)

Honors Received

July 1996 "National Land Agency Award for Achievement in Water Resource Protection"

November 2005 "Prime Minister's Award for Hometown Area Preservation"

June 2006, "Regional Environmental Conservation Merit Award"

July 2006, "Prime Minister's Merit Award for Ecological Promotion Activities"

June 2007, "Japan Water Prize Special Judge Committee Award"

May 2013, "Japan Association of Groundwater Hydrology Technology Award"

June 2014, "Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare Japan Water Award"

November 2016, Kumamoto Ground Water Foundation "Judge's Special Grand Prix"

March 2017, "Japan Society on Water Environment Kyushu-Okinawa Division Water Environment Contribution Award"

February 2018, “Kumamoto Landscape Award Green and water scenery award”

March 2019, “Kumamoto Landscape Award  30th Grand Prize”

March 2021, “1st Green Infrastructure Aword Outstanding Performance Award”

July 2022, “72nd Kumanichi Award”

December 2022, “Special Achievement Award at Kumamoto SDGs Award 2022”

About Our Emblem

We use this image of clear, flowing water to signify our dedication to teaching people how to protect water, an essential resource for future generations.
[Completed October 2013]