Inquiries regarding donations, questions, etc.

We accept donations and gladly answer any questions from people who wish to support the environmental conservation activities of our foundation.
Donations given to this organization are incentivized by tax law, and can be applied to income tax deductions by both individual and corporate donors.

Deductions for Individual Donators

Charitable foundations qualify as designated public-service promotion corporations. Donations by individuals to designated public-service promotion corporations can be deducted from that individual's personal income tax by an amount equal to (Donated Amount - ¥2000).


*As the tax rate is applied after deductions to income, the reduction in taxes assessed is the greatest for individuals with higher incomes and therefore higher tax rates before deductions.

Deductions for Corporate Donations

Charitable foundations qualify as designated public-service promotion corporations. The total value of donations made to designated public-service promotion corporations, or the upper-limit of deductible expenses, whichever is less, can be used in the calculation of deductible expenses.

Upper-Limit of Deductible Expenses =
(Total Capital x 0.375% + Income x 6.25%) ÷ 2

Higo Water and Kumamon Quo Card

- Quo Cards are prepaid cash cards that can be used throughout Japan at convenience stores and various other establishments.
- This particular card is sold for ¥530 and has a cash value of ¥500.  Each card sold provides a ¥2 donation to this organization.

Payment Transfer Account for Donations

Bank Name: Higo Bank Suidocho Branch (肥後銀行水道町支店)
Deposit Type: Normal Deposit(普通預金)
Account Number: 2310515
Account Name: The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo
(公益財団法人 肥後の水とみどりの愛護基金)

Inquires via Telephone and Fax

  • 096-351-3882
  • 096-351-3885

The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo
Higo Shoji Bldg. 3F, 1-23 Koyaimamachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City 860-0012


Policies regarding the handling of personal information

Our Stance Regarding the Protection of Personal Information

The Foundation takes full responsibility for the management of personal information within the Foundation itself, and makes every effort to properly manage personal information and to continually improve the measures taken for the protection of personal information.
Furthermore, the Foundation sets and maintains regulations for the protection of personal information, holds its staff responsible to comply with said regulations, and to properly handle personal information during daily business activities.

Handling of Personal Information

The Foundation shall, when obtaining personal information from patrons, provide an accurate description of the purpose of use for that information, and acquire that information using legal and equitable methods. Information that has been entrusted to the Foundation shall be used only for the required purposes for carrying out its subsidy programs, and not for any other purposes. Furthermore, the Foundation shall not provide the personal information of a patron to any third party without receiving that patron's consent beforehand, except in situations where the immediate provision of personal information is required by law.

The Foundation, upon the receipt of a request for the disclosure, revision, cease of use, erasure, etc., of personal information to its office, shall immediately respond to said request.

Secure Management of Personal Information

The Foundation shall strictly manage personal information and implement proper security control measures to maintain the accuracy of said personal information, and to prevent any leaking, destruction, or damage thereof.

Questions, Complaints, Etc., Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

The foundation will strive to respond appropriately and immediately to any questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information that are received at the place of contact given below.

Send any inquiries to:
Higo Shoji Bldg. 3F, 1-23 Koyaimamachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City
The Foundation for the Preservation of Green and Water Resources of Higo Office
Telephone: 096-351-3882